Hello people,
Sorry for the hiatus, my Job is so demanding this Month.
How are you all doing? I was going to drop a post on Monday,
or did I? You see I can’t even remember.
My week has being sinusoidal. Up and down.
One moment I am happy, the next I want to kill everyone. I am
just going to blame this on hormonal issues, you know that time of the month
Two days ago when my misbehavior was beginning to spiral out
of control I decided to take a moment to really step back and look at where I had
started from.
From where I was standing I really couldn’t see my past struggles all I could do was see
my “aka Christian mother” arms, and my flabby belly and all of my
I had forgotten about all the good that had come out of this
journey. I was just so focused on all the bad things I was seeing that day and I
think I carried on like that up until yesterday.
I make it a point of duty to go to church on Wednesdays. so
yesterday I got off work early and I was skeptical about going to church.
It was an absolute delight when I got to church. YES!!!!! Permit
me to take you to church for a little bit…
You see the man preaching had being praying for the fruit of
the womb for 16 YEARS and God had just blessed
him and his wife with a baby girl. He talked about all the struggles they had
being through, people telling them all sorts of methods that would work,
doctors giving him every prescription possible on the face of the earth, people
he would pray for concerning the same issue would come and dedicate their
babies, he said that even the flower girls at his wedding, some had gotten
married and had babies and brought to him to dedicate, and how some days he had
told God it was over between them but somehow God pulled him back.
I always cry during a good testimony, so trust me to shed
tears. What struck me the most when he said that we should never ever compare ourselves
with anybody else compare you with yourself. His patience and resilience, discipline
and dedication to his wife and more especially God.
Most of the time, people want to know how I am carrying on I
tell them through prayer. I kneel down and ask God for three things every day, STRENGTH, DISCIPLINE AND PATIENCE.
The strength to carry on when I am so weak and I do not want
to go on , the discipline to follow through and the patience to persevere to see the end to what I had started and trust
me that is exactly how I have being carrying on. Coupled with the diet and
exercise of course.LOL
On the way home in the car I began to reflect and decided to
two months ago I could barely take a step without panting
for breath, once I hit my bed at 161.5kg that was it for the day not because I didn’t
want to get up, but because I couldn’t. I could only do 15 mins in my aerobics
class and now I can go 45 mins and still use the elliptical and treadmill and carry
I used to walk home in 15mins now I can do it in 5. I can
run up and down the stairs at home without stopping to catch my breath. I have
dropped two dress sizes, I can comfortably have my bath and reach ALL the parts
of my body, i have lost 6 inches of my hips, 4 of my waist, 4 of my chest and 3
of my arms.
People are beginning to call me beautiful, two people I hadn’t
seen in two years saw me in church yesterday and told me that I had lost weight, I am way more confident,
I am way more active and the ultimate I have lost 20 SOMETHING PLUS KGS IN 2
I mean I need to get real, a man waited 16 years to get a
baby and I can’t wait 12 month or even 36 months to see figure 8. I must be
I am counting my blessings people and naming them one by one.
I will have to learn to do that as ften as possible. It’s not as easy as it
sounds but practice they say makes perfect.
Got to go my loves. I will try to write as often as I can.
July has being a busy busy month.
Nossybelle out.x
today im going to write down all I am grateful to God for.
The strength you seek is yours already